AMD Exchange rates to USD, EUR, RUR

Our table shows the current exchange rate of the Armenian dram compared to different currencies in various banks in Armenia. Watch today’s Dram course online. Dram to Ruble rate, Dram to Dollar rate and Dram to Euro rate in Armenian banks.
currency currency currency
Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell
1. Fast-BankFast Bank 25 Apr, 20:00 386 392 414 425 4.10 4.25
2. ArcakhbankArtsakhbank 25 Apr, 20:00 386 392 409 423 4.11 4.30
3. VTBHayastan-BankVTB Bank (Armenia) 25 Apr, 20:00 384 392 407 422 4.11 4.27
4. EvocabankEvocabank 25 Apr, 20:00 385 391 409 421 4.14 4.28
5. InekobankInecobank 25 Apr, 20:00 384.50 392 408 423 4.09 4.35
6. AyDi-BankIDBank 25 Apr, 20:00 385 392 407 423 4.10 4.31
7. Biblos-Bank-ArmeniaByblos Bank Armenia 25 Apr, 20:00 384 391 409 422 4.09 4.35
8. ArmsvisbankArmSwissBank 25 Apr, 20:00 385.50 392 413 423.50 4.16 4.26
9. ArdshinbankArdshinbank 25 Apr, 20:00 384 391 408 423 4.12 4.34
10. AraratBankAraratBank 25 Apr, 20:00 385 392 406 425 4 4.35
11. Acba-bankAcba bank 25 Apr, 20:00 385 391 408 420 4.13 4.33
12. Mellat-bankMellat Bank 25 Apr, 20:00 384 391 407 421 4.14 4.45
13. HAYEKONOMBANKARMECONOMBANK 25 Apr, 20:00 385 392 406 426 4.13 4.35
14. EychEsBiSi-BankHSBC Bank Armenia 25 Apr, 20:00 385 392.50 408 423 3.92 4.44
15. YunibankUnibank 25 Apr, 20:00 385 391 407 419 4.05 4.35
16. AMIO-BankAMIO Bank 25 Apr, 20:00 385 392 408 422 4.09 4.34
17. Konvers-BankConverse Bank 25 Apr, 20:00 385 391 408 425 4.05 4.32
18. AmeriabankAmeriabank 25 Apr, 20:00 384 391 407 421 4.08 4.33
Minimum 384 391 419 3.92 4.25 440
Maximum 386 392.50 426 4.16 4.45 475
Average 384.83 391.58 422.64 4.09 4.33 468.06
Fluctuation (Apr 23) 0 0 0 0 0 0

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